Wednesday, April 30, 2008

On the matters of Shenamer...

This blog wasn't originally intended to be named Shenamer. I obviously tried shenanigans, daily shenanigans, and other normal sounding names, however all were taken. Being that Mer is my nickname I found this combo suitable. From this blog you can expect me to say "obviously" far too frequently, impose my unasked for opinions, and simply report the shenanigans that are life.

Also please note: I will be accepting input (both intentional and unintentional) from friends, family, and miscellaneous people. Consider this my disclaimer.

There has been some confusion about the pronunciation of shenamer. It is pronounced just as you would think when combining the words shenanigans and mer. Not to be confused with she-namer which would be absurd.


superdate said...

For some reason, I feel the inexplicable need to post something. I'm going to say that out of all the possible names, I feel pretty good that the bottle finally pointed at Shenamer. It fits. Enjoy your first comment, Face. Consider it the first of many...

Amanda Bynum Photography said...

Hey Mariah-- You can check out my blog too! :-)
it's mostly just boring scrapbooking and married life stuff. :-)

Hope all is well.

Kelly's Dwelling said...

i added your blog link to my blog cuz i heart you

Unknown said...

We have known each other for quite some time, I have nothing but love and admiration for you which is why I feel compelled to tell you the following:
This shit is really lame!
You, Ms Mariah, are coming very close to passing the threshold into complete nerdyness, never to escape. For such a sharp, talented, and pretty young lady, who is otherwise quite normal, I find it astounding that you would venture into something as boring and dorky as blogging. What complete waste of time! Read a book, go hiking, if you must be on the internet do something more productive like look at pornography, play games or shop for presents for me. Please don't send me another email regarding this fecal smelling absurdity.

Jackstalent said...
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