You know your Socialitis has gotten out of control when you can't even imagine the next time you want to leave your home, the thought of drinking makes your stomach churn, and you are making unrealistic vows to have more down time.
Yesterday was, by any definition, fantastic. I woke up way too early for a Saturday, headed out to go tubing on the Salt River with a group of friends for some relaxation and shenanigans, ate delicious delicious In 'n' Out Burger, and after a bit of down time went out to 4th Avenue for some last hoorah moments with two friends who are leaving town today. Super. Great. Couldn't have been better. One exception, once you reach the point of delerium and are hung over at midnight o'clock the fun stops. Sleep becomes your only goal. You start wanting to sleep like it's your job, like you are going to work and you're not settling with anything less than employee of the freakin month. That's when it's no bueno.
So here I am, at work, hating each moment, and looking forward to the soft comforts that are my bed. As I watch the clock tick slowly towards 6pm I can imagine my head resting comfortably on my 46 pillows.
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