You may know of or be one of these types of employees:
The Never-a-Bright-Side Employee: These people will hate their jobs for the same reason they hate everything else which is: no reason. They also choose to pick apart anything that anyone says or is slightly wrong at work and point it out to everyone.
The Going-Through-The-Motions Employee: These employees hate their jobs because they are monotonous and because they are so under stimulated that they have actually lost motivation to do anything above and beyond their duties, including looking for a more fulfilling job.
The Overqualified Employee: These employees hate their jobs for obvious reasons. They were either coaxed into a position that they thought would be better than it is or they are lazy. These people, even if they are lazy, will eventually seek employment elsewhere.
The Self-righteous-Slacker Employee: This employee will voice the same complaints as the Going-Through-the-Motions employee and the Overqualified employee all while avoiding work like it is the most infectious of plagues. This person often is one of the reasons other people hate their jobs.
The Incessant-Jaw-Flapping Employee: These employees love to talk and hate to hear. They spend the majority of their time talking about and judging other people in the department or company, speaking about themselves in excessive details to those who have no interest and occasionally morph into a realm where their talking is productive and helpful. These people need to assume various roles in order to not integrate too deeply into any one co-workers space.
The Work-Drives-You-To-Drink Employee: This employee is the person who raised their hand immediately after reading this title. Put your hand down you're making those around you uncomfortable. Granted this employee could just be the fun-loving person who happens to enjoy happy hour and wants an excuse for the frequent visits, but it also may be the person that walks in with lots of black eyeliner on and glares in every direction.
The All-of-the-Above Employee: This employee has read all of the above employee categories and felt a tiny bit of identification with all of them.
There are obviously many more categorically defined employees, however, I'll leave you with the above. These people will make your life awesome, bring you joy, provide content for gossip, cause you to work more than you should, and drive you freakin nuts. Shenanigans.
Related articles: http://www.theonion.com/content/node/34072
I can relate to feelin disatisfied at work for mmm about 7 years doing computer science work until I went on the The Otesha Project bike tour and came home, quit my job, sold my house, and said fuck this shit.
My main rationale for people not liking their jobs is because of what our economy has created for our lives. I mean there is underlining things to these people then just them hating their jobs seriously. More deeper and engrained in our ideas of what our lives should be.
Case in point. You are asked to work over time but you don't get paid for it (generally). So that means that your salary job is actually paying you less. But what if you refuse. You could get fired unless you have a union but then "everyone" hates unions.
Next point. Everyone wants the white picket fence and retirement at 60. Fuck that shit. The best quote I ever heard is that my friend was going to "live her life in retirement". And so am I...
Is that really possible? Fuck yeah. Why not? Why are you working so hard and stressing about getting t hose deadlines done man. It's not worth your health or happiness.
Following your heart. Ok this probably sounds pretty cliche and with American culture it's about living the dream but seriously. If you aren't doing something that you love wtf are you doing? I've been living frugally for the last .. geez .. since January pay cheque to pay cheque to get this project going here in Australia (www.otesha.org.au). Why? Cause I love it...cuase I believe in it..and when I go home I think - I'm going to make enough money to survive and live and it's all good.
It doesn't matter if I have money to retire cause it's not about my prestige but more about building community, sharing, and living man.
Last point. Think about it. What if you job shared? You did half the work each year with someone else and the rest of the time you grew food in your backyard. This means that you don't have to go to the grocery store as much to buy things and offset the cost of food. And rode to work that means saving more money. Yes there are ways to really save without having to actually get paid more and climb the never ending corporate ladder of poo.
I know you can't see me, but I'm raising my hand right now...
Referring to comment numero uno (deleted): It would be preferred that comment posts not be used as a tool to infuriate and belittle others. Jabs of this nature remind me more of highschool than anything...so knock it off.
When fed up due to the effects of workplace shenanigans, workers seek avenues to vent said anger and frustration. Are blogs not often motivated and written with this very purpose in mind?
The prevalence of censorship, both in and out of the public arena, is a problem that negatively affects the masses by robbing individuals of their voices. Hitlers terrible reign was made possible by such tactics.
Editors at Shenamer would have been prudent to merely edit, as I will admit that the "fourth letter of the alphabet" line was perhaps excessive. Hitler also suffered from excess.
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