This blog is dedicated to the guest at my job who said, " If my mom and I were both here, we would need at least 7 people helping us." No sir, at most you would need two people. Obnoxious. Then he proceeded to awkwardly play tic-tac-toe with me while he waited. When the game was over he stated, "Of course I beat you, I'm a man." And then chuckled. Listen Chuckles, that is the opposite of funny or clever. So shut your trap. Obnoxious.
I know there is at least one person who will read this and think that he was funny. Subjective.
Other notable things of high obnoxiousness include: being micromanaged, people who chew with their mouths open or talk on the phone whilst eating, and people who oppress others with their own religious or political views, loud exhaust pipes and the idiots who have them, people on planes.

What do you find to be filled with obnoxiousness?
*I would like to acknowledge Kay as my editorial consultant
People that ask for your opinion and then proceed to keep talking, not letting you get a word in edgewise = obnoxious.
Hearing the words "Well" "Ummm" and "Hmmm" consecutively more than once in a conversation = obnoxious.
Any physical display of childishness and/or commentary made for the sheer purpose of attention = the epitomy of obnoxiousness.
That man, is a douchebag.
I also find guests who talk to their cat after asking me a question quite obnoxious. Not to mention really weird.
Heart your face.
People that STILL write checks in line at the store! seriously obnoxious.
Mer, you should have shanked that guy on pure principle. I'm sure you'll get him next time....
OBVIOUSLY, people who are obnoxious usually are lacking the neuron connections in their brains to realize they are being annoying. Social Intelligence by Daniel Goleman, check it out. But since you asked...
People with no manners, obnoxious. Clearly, Mr. High and Mighty Tic Tac Toer should have had his mother teach him manners, not how to handle an entourage.
Being on the outside of inside jokes, obnoxious.
Text messaging during movies, especially when their phone has disco fever (not an inside joke, maybe an inside joke)--obnoxious.
When the satellite or cable connection goes out--obnoxious.
This is a big one, so I'll break it down. People at the gym who:
(A) wear articles of clothing they have no business wearing
(B) sing loudly (badly or not) along with their IPOD
(C) pant, grunt, or breath so heavily you cannot, NOT pay attention to them ("Oh, you're out of shape?...thanks for making that OBVIOUS")
(D) men who hit on women while they are on the cardio machines, OBVIOUSLY, I've only been on this thing for 5 minutes--you know I'm not going anywhere for awhile. Thanks for trapping me into a conversation...clown
The use of double negatives. They are clearly for confusion.
Any talk about "my IQ this and that"--obviously I would lose at Jeopardy, thanks for pointing that out whenever possible
Angry people. Complaining w/o humorous insights. Obnoxious.
Intolerant people, obnoxious, which judging by the relative ease with which I created this post, I would clearly fall into, which is also, not surprisingly, obnoxious to me.
Alright well I'm a little dazed and confused from this post more because I don't understand the entire situation. Like what exactly do you do for a living that resulted in this guy complaining. Sorry to hear that you had a shit day tho.
Things that really upset me.
* those people that don't respect others - like work in the service industry prior to making said complaints (all to often its people who have never really worked hard that treat service industry worse)
* hmm / umm / well - I kinda find this cool. Mainly because I think it shows that peeps aren't that perfect. Sorry Jesi but I like imperfections and I've heard some amazing motivational speakers not sound like Oprah Crapfrey. Peeps come from all walks of life.
* not really stating what the "real" problem of your complaint but dodging around it and making the other person feel like crap because you realise you have no case.
* cutting me off the road when I'm riding my bike (or for that matter not giving me an entire bike lane)
* not asking people questions about their lives and just talking a lot of shit about their own.
* not showing love
* intolerance for lefties
* forcing your ideas down some else's throats or not taking no for an answer.
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