As my disclaimer I will say that if everyone drove a Smart Car then they would, in fact, be smart. Don't get me wrong, I love the environment just as much as the next person, but let's be honest this is not the answer. In American society where bigger is considered to be better the thought of having a Smart Car is the most obviously not smart thing.
My logic is rooted in the fact that a person can do much more good by committing a lifetime to helping the environment then by putting themselves into a death trap device. One of my least intelligent moments was when I crashed into a semi, imagine if I were driving a Stupid Car. If you Google car accident statistics you'll find some information that would easily deter you from purchasing this car.
In addition, my less practical reasoning for thinking this car is absurd is the mere fact that it is impractical. People often forget to enjoy life as it is. Driving a Stupid Car you basically forfeit the ability to go on a road trip, have a bike rack, carry a surfboard, have more than two people in your car (forget carpooling), the list could go on. I'm not suggesting you purchase a Hummer monstrosity, but at least a car built for people instead of monkeys.
I will say the turning radius of such a vehicle would probably do some incredible parking lot donuts, you could sleep well at night knowing you're not contributing to the excessive use of gas - even have extra money to purchase celebratory drinks, and you could most certainly pride yourself on looking ridiculous.
Better than I thought...
I want extra money to purchase celebratory drinks, but also want enough room to carry with me several friends for company during the purchasing of said drinks. What do you suggest?
I really can't comment considering the fact that I drive a motorcycle. I wonder if you would feel differently had you not been attacked by the diesel.
Motorcycles have the same safety disadvantage, but they are fun and at least contribute to the enjoyment of life rather than the constant hinderance of it:) I think I would still feel the same about Smart Cars. Statistically speaking, 115 people die each day from motor related accidents. I say safety first.
You'd be surprised...
Have a look at http://thechronicleherald.ca/Business/1055711.html
They are actually rated to have a lot more safety amongst cars. And what ever happened to roof racks...
But heh it's cool I'm not that down with cars in general...I'll see you at the next red light with my bicycle and when you can't take that left turn and half to drive half around the city to get the same place I'll be there long before you .. hee hee...
Bicycle Power!
the smart car is more like a toy car, i mean really...i feel like my two year old niece could use it as a little car she cruises around the yard with her doll. that may be the only pair that should get one!!
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