I think, when constructing my gym, they grossly overestimated the midget population.
Serious question: Why are the drinking fountains at L.A. Fitness so short?
Don't say, "because people use them to fill their water bottles and their arms are too tired from lifting weights to slightly reach upward". That is not good enough.
It is sad and it is discriminatory, but the most logical conclusion is that they grossly overestimated the athletic, gym-going, midget population. I apologize on behalf of L.A. Fitness.

maybe the fountains are like that for all the meat heads that can no longer move their arms effectively
t-rex arms
true story
its because only weak people drink water. if you are a true athlete you just drink protein shakes or G2 lol. What does G mean to you?
it must be easy for them to do squats.
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