So, in short, if you'd like me to post blogs more frequenly as some nagging has suggested, then comment, provide your opinion (unless it is worthless) and fuel my need for attention.
Ok so lets recap the dos and donts of the past few months:
~DON'T accidentally send your blog link to your clients. Especially the blog written about hating Mondays which directly relates to clients.
~DO elect a president. Good job America. Finally making smart decisions. Impressive. It's been a shotty run the past few elections.
~DO visit Costa Rica. The place is pretty badass, the weather is crazy, the food and drinks are delicious, the people are pretty awesome, and the beaches are fantastic.
~DONT watch weiners during the superbowl.
~DONT pay money to see "He's Just Not That Into You". Why, you ask, because it is not good.
~DO go snowboarding. Vail was awesome, thank you for asking.
~DO go to Wildcat Basketball Games
~DONT clap for Horne at UA basketball games
Enjoy some vacay photos:

You got hosed :P
Let me know what you think of Watchmen.
Hey there fellow blogger! Love the madness!
FINALLY! (That's the most contribution to your need for attention that you're gonna get out of me!)
In response to Zack, watchmen was horrible, so Mur if you were curious, I would advise you not to waste almost 3 hours of your life that you will never get back!
Moving on, a great blog indeed, however more pictures next time would be great! thanks!
I already watched The Watchmen and.... I think I shall blog about seems people have very strong opinions:) Thanks for the topic inspiration
i get my attention from those same GGW videos
Glad you're back in action... I'm excited for more Shenanigans to come:)
I LOVE reading your blog. Hearing how you are doing and your little "rants," in your own words, is a thousand times better than translated through John - good or fine is all I get. I wish we could hang out more, but as you know being across the country makes it a little difficult (hint: come visit). The good ole internet is the best way to keep up, so please do keep these blogs coming. You have fans on the East Coast.
That said, you may ask why I don't have a blog. My attention span is too short, so I prefer the "microblog" - an insane amount of status updates on facebook. It may be annoying, but it is the best way to know what's new with me. I wonder what your thoughts on this type of "blogging" might be - a total cop out or just small tasty morsels of goodness?
More topically - John and I don't go to movie theaters (another of your brother's lovable quirks), but when watchmen comes out on demand - I'll definitely check it out. Afterall - John has read the graphic novel several times.
Love Ya, Sis!
Tasty Morsels of Goodness as my wise sister once said...
Microblogging and my wisdom about said topic.
In short, I would agree that microblogging such as facebook status updates, twitter, etc are just as tasty as blogs can be. I think the perception about the content is driven by quality rather than quantity. So, if you've got something to say and others are interested then microblog it, giant blog it, shout it from a moutain top, scribble it on a piece of paper and shove it into a bottle. The thing is, if you've got something to say that has no purpose, no one cares about, or is just plain ignorant than shut your pie-hole, stop typing, and keep your nonsensory shenanigans to yourself.
My last comment was a little harsh. I welcome all nonsesory shenanigans in the form of comments on my blog:)
I want to hear more tales of ridiculousness and the exciting life of Mer Bur. Watchmen sucked. I walked out 1.5 hours into it. All I saw was blue wiener.
Too busy to satisfy your loyal fans? lol.
en route to bear mountain. stay tuned for shenanigans report upon return
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